Eustelle Fleming


Key Skills:
With a proven track record in sales and management Eustelle is well positioned to advise member agents on all aspects of their business. Having knowledge and experience of training & development, IT systems, PSRA legislation and management information she provides an excellent support to member agents in growing their business.

Eustelle joined us in 1998 as a Sales Negotiator in our Residential Business, she was promoted to Branch Manager and was appointed an Associate Director in 2004. She later moved to our Franchise Business and was appointed a Director of Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide in 2008. As Business Development Manager in our Countrywide Estate Agency franchise she provides an important link between regional franchised offices and head office ensuring business practices are in line with legislation and our Franchise Agreement.

Bachelor of Arts in French and History of Art and Architecture

Associate Member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
